TOPLINE: Whip Scalise is committed to exposing President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ giveaways to radical special interest groups and the far-left provisions buried in their 2,135-page big government tax-and-spending spree that they rushed through the House of Representatives. There are many “hidden gems” that Democrats handed the socialists, and Whip Scalise will continue to highlight them.


Zero Funds For Faith-Based Child Care Providers

Section 23001 blocks faith-based child care providers from receiving infrastructure funds in Democrats’ tax-and-spending spree.

While non-religious institutions are allowed to use the Child Care and Development Block Grant to improve and renovate their child care facilities, the bill text makes abundantly clear that grant recipients “may not use the funds for modernization, renovation or repair of facilities that are primarily used for sectarian instruction or religious worship.”



Democrats voted to overturn 30 years of bipartisan support for faith-based child care services.

This means that religious providers will not be able to access funds for facilities if they run a faith-based program or operate out of a building that is used primarily for religious activities. While current law has made it clear that funds may be used to improve facilities for the health and safety of children, President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have decided that children in faith-based facilities don’t deserve the same protections.

BOTTOM LINE: President Biden and Speaker Pelosi are discriminating against faith-based child care providers by preventing them from using infrastructure grants to improve their facilities. Democrats are once again putting teachers unions over students by waging a war against religious schools and child care services that serve millions of children and could benefit from improving their facilities.