Leader McCarthy’s Statement Commemorating the 21st Anniversary of 9/11

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy issued the following statement marking the 21st anniversary of 9/11: 

“Twenty-one years ago, America, the freest nation in human history, was attacked by radical terrorists. It was the deadliest terrorist attack in history, with 2,977 American men, women, and children of every race, religion, and background lost in the violence. It was a direct assault not only on America, but on the American way of life. It was intended to shatter our spirit. Instead, it revealed our people’s boundless resilience and strength.

“The bravery of our first responders, our military, and ordinary Americans who risked and even sacrificed their own lives to rescue others continues to inspire us. The kindness and patriotism of every American in response to the attacks still inspires us. As a nation, we did not yield to terrorism; we united against it. We did not give in to fear; we chose to live in freedom. We did not back down; we emerged more determined than ever before. We swore we would never forget, and we haven’t.

“As we remember this tragic anniversary and recognize the heroes and survivors of that terrible day, we should reflect on service to one another. We should all think about what we can do to make ‘never forget’ a 365-day commitment. It is up to us to make this pledge meaningful.“

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