Senator Hawley Demands Deportations, Visa Cancellations for Undocumented Students Participating in Violent Anti-Israel Protests

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, put witnesses on record in last week’s Judiciary hearing, pressing them on whether they support deporting and canceling visas for undocumented students participating in unlawful anti-Israel protests.

“Is there anybody . . . who thinks that we should not deport students who are here unlawfully . . . who are calling for the death of Jewish students, who are violating the laws of the U.S.?” asked Senator Hawley.

“We should a moral message that if you do that, and you are here unlawfully, you should be deported. If you are here on a student visa, you ought to have your visa canceled,” he continued.

Earlier in the week, Senator Hawley sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, pressing President Biden’s Department of Justice to investigate the third-party funding behind the violent, coordinated antisemitic protests plaguing college campuses.

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