Category Archives: Capitol Hill Updates


What’s Important   CDC Finally Admits Vaccinated Can Ditch the Mask: Last week, the CDC finally issued recommendations that Americans who have been vaccinated no longer have to wear a mask in most indoor and outdoor settings.   Select Subcommittee Republicans Launch Probe into Political Interference at the CDC: Republican lawmakers on the Select Subcommittee and House Committee on […]

STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) joined colleagues in introducing a resolution to condemn the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas against Israel. “Joe Biden’s decision to restore aid to Palestine and his dangerous appeasement strategy with Iran have emboldened and even supported the Hamas terrorists attacking Israel,” Steube said. “Congress must demand an end to U.S. Palestinian […]

Iran’s Fingerprints Are All Over Anti-American, Anti-Israeli, and Anti-Arab Terrorism Across the Middle East

‘It would be total malpractice to squander our leverage just to jump back into a flawed deal.’ WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Iran: “The attacks being directed at innocent Israeli citizens are coming from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Both those terrorist […]

Lankford, Colleagues Stand with Israel

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator James Lankford (R-OK) joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) along with 42 Republican colleagues to urge President Biden to stand with our closest ally in the region, Israel. As Israel is under attack from Iranian-back terrorists, the Biden Administration is negotiating and potentially offering sanctions relief to Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor […]

Grassley Joins Cotton, Colleagues In Letter Warning International Business Community About Resuming Business With Iran

WASHINGTON — Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today joined Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and 13 colleagues in sending a letter to the international business community warning them about resuming business with Iran if U.S. sanctions are lifted.   “Your member companies may see this potential removal of U.S. sanctions on Iran as a lucrative opportunity. Trust us, they […]


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) joined Fox News Channel’s The Faulkner Focus, where he discussed the letter he sent to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky demanding she turn over communications between the CDC and American Federation of Teachers, following the alarming revelations that the union successfully lobbied the CDC on its school reopening guidance issued […]

McConnell at S. 1 Markup: “We Aren’t Going to Let One Party Take Over Our Democracy”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today at the Senate Rules Committee S.1 Markup: “Madam Chairman, we’ll hear a lot of flowery language today, including my friend and colleague the Majority Leader. But we all learned early in life if you can write the rules, you can win […]

Sen. Cruz on Fox News: Dangerous S.1. is a ‘Massive Democrat Power Grab’

JOINS ‘HANNITY’ AND ‘AMERICA’S NEWSROOM’ TO DISCUSS DEMOCRATS’ CORRUPT POLITICIANS ACT AND HIS 46 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) this week joined Fox News’ ‘Hannity‘ and ‘America’s Newsroom‘ to discuss Democrats’ dangerous S.1. bill before the Senate Rules Committee today. Better known as the Corrupt Politicians Act, S.1. would effectively destroy […]

Sen. Rick Scott to Biden: Inflation is Happening – Stop Reckless Government Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement amid continued concerning reports of increased inflation. As the prices of every day goods go up, the Biden Administration continues to push radical spending plans that would increase the average taxes owed by families making less than $500,000 by $1,600 per year for ten years – a total of […]