Category Archives: Capitol Hill Updates


What’s Important Science Shows Vaccines Are Working: COVID-19 vaccines are working. There are very few breakthrough cases, and infections and fatalities are plummeting across the country. Medical Experts Say It’s Time to Get Back to Normal: Given the declining cases and waning threat, medical experts say it’s time to get back to normal. Democrats Can’t Kick COVID Restrictions: Despite […]

Lankford Joins Call for Cuomo Investigation into COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) joined Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) and a group of Senate Finance Committee Republicans to call on Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) to open an investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s cover-up of New York’s nursing home death toll. “This committee has direct oversight on this issue and […]

Kevin McCarthy: President Biden’s First 100 Days

Today officially marks 100 days since President Biden assumed office. As a candidate, he made a lot of promises about what his administration would accomplish and how he would reach across the aisle to “be a President for all Americans” — Republicans and Democrats. Let’s take a look at how the reality measures up: President […]

Grassley Statement Following President Biden’s Joint Address

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued the following statement after President Biden delivered a joint address to Congress this evening. “President Biden campaigned on unifying a divided nation. Part of that means working with a Congress divided right down the middle. Thus far he’s done very little to back up his words from the […]


WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) joined Fox News Channel’s America Reports, where he called out President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi for putting their far-left agenda over the needs of American workers and families. Whip Scalise noted that Americans across the country are fleeing failed, liberal states where Democrats are […]


TOPLINE: On Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 51, the D.C. Admission Act. This legislation violates the 23rd Amendment and is nothing more than a partisan power grab from Speaker Pelosi and her socialist allies to add two more Democrats to the Senate. Democrats Are Ignoring the Constitution The Founding Fathers intended for […]

Republican Committee Leaders Introduce the Lower Costs, More Cures Act

Washington D.C.– Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX), Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), and Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) today released legislation – the Lower Costs, More Cures Act – to lower drug costs for Americans without limiting access to cures. The Leaders sent this letter […]

Senator Chuck Grassley Op-Ed: Packing The Court Strikes Out Independent Judiciary

Op-Ed: Packing the court strikes out independent judiciary By Sen. Chuck Grassley Washington Examiner Former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used his bully pulpit to try to pack the Supreme Court. He struck out, and in the 1938 midterm elections, his party lost 72 seats in the House of Representatives and seven seats in the Senate. […]

Daily House of Representatives’ Schedule 4/21/21

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21ST On Wednesday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for legislative business. First and last votes expected: 3:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. One Minute Speeches H.R. 1333 – NO BAN ACT (Closed Rule, One Hour of Debate) (Sponsored by Rep. Judy Chu / Judiciary Committee) H.R. 1573 – Access to Counsel Act of 2021 (Closed […]

McConnell Blasts Liberal Efforts to Go Soft on Fentanyl Analogues

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the opioid crisis: “Of course, the flow of actual people is not our only border security problem. “Americans are dying and communities are being hollowed out because foreign drug dealers and profiteers have taken our […]