Congressman Jeff Duncan Leads “All of the Above” Energy Tour to Upstate South Carolina

Clemson, S.C. — Congressman Jeff Duncan, co-chair of the House Energy Action Team and member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, led nine Members of Congress (Rep. William Timmons, Rep. Drew Ferguson, Rep. Richard Hudson, Rep. Kevin Hern, Rep. Diana Harshbarger, Rep. Troy Balderson, Rep. Ron Estes, Rep. Kelly Armstrong, and Rep. Rick Allen) to South Carolina’s Third Congressional District on an “All of the Above” Energy Tour of Upstate South Carolina to show leaders nationwide how South Carolina is leading the way in nuclear energy and the importance of an all-of-the-above energy strategy. The tour visited Clemson University to learn of the university’s capabilities in energy innovation, research, education and creating the next generation of energy workforce, as well as Duke Energy’s Bad Creek Hydro Station and Duke’s Oconee Nuclear Station, one of the United States’ premier nuclear facilities. For more coverage, click HERE and HERE.

“I had the opportunity to lead Members of Congress from states across the country on a tour to the Third District to see Upstate South Carolina’s innovative energy strategies and of-the-above energy solution firsthand. With gas prices and utility prices a record-highs nationwide, we are advocates for an all-of-the-above energy solution to meet our nation’s needs through innovative solutions like nuclear energy,” said Congressman Jeff Duncan. “We believe in unleashing American energy production by utilizing our nation’s vast natural resources and innovation, refusing to pick the winners and losers when it comes to energy production. Unleashing an all-of-the-above energy strategy will inevitably lower energy costs for Americans and strengthen our energy economy.”

“Congressman Duncan is a leading voice in Congress for energy independence and a tremendous advocate for our state and our nation,” said Congressman William Timmons- SC. “Here in South Carolina, we truly have an all-of-the-above energy approach. I want to thank Congressman Duncan for bringing our colleagues here to the Upstate to show how our approach can be recreated across the country so we are not reliable on foreign countries for our own energy needs.”

“All-of-the-above energy means exactly what it sounds like. We’re not trying to arbitrarily ‘cancel’ any one industry, we want all of our resources to work together to provide American families with reliable, affordable energy,” said Congressman Kevin Hern- OK. “While Democrats wage war on our most accessible energy sources, driving fuel and utility costs higher than ever, Republicans are prepared to unleash America’s energy potential – using ALL our energy resources.”

“President Biden’s war on fossil fuels has led to the most dramatic energy crisis this country has seen since the 1970s. Record-high gas prices and rising costs for consumers all point to the urgency of embracing our potential as a global energy leader,” said Congressman Rick Allen-GA. “To reclaim our energy independence and return our nation to prosperity, Congress — and the Biden administration — must work to advance policies that put American energy first. We must have an all-of-the above energy portfolio, including nuclear and other critical alternative energy sources like we saw here today, but Democrats must also reverse course and acknowledge that oil and natural gas remain essential in delivering the baseload power necessary to sustain American homes, businesses, and livelihoods.”

“We must reject the Biden Administration’s false notion that a cleaner environment can only be achieved at the peril of the United States’ energy security and independence,” said Congressman Troy Balderson-OH. “We are blessed to live in a country with such diverse and abundant energy resources. I’m appreciative of my colleague, Rep. Duncan, for highlighting the need for an all-of-the-above approach to America’s energy portfolio.”

“The United States has the resources needed to be an energy powerhouse. Whether it is a hydropower or nuclear plant in South Carolina, or the Bakken oil patch in North Dakota, we need to empower them to provide the energy Americans need, not burden them with endless and harmful regulations,” said Congressman Armstrong-ND. “I thank Congressman Duncan for leading this delegation of Republicans in highlighting our support for unleashing domestic energy production.”

“As Americans are facing intense financial pressures to fill their tanks and cool their homes, President Biden continues to insist on a one-size-fits-all approach to energy that allows Green New Deal zealots to pick winners and losers,” said Congressman Ron Estes-KS. “Instead, Republicans want to pursue an all-of-the-above strategy that provides clean, affordable energy options produced right here in the United States. It’s clear that we have the capacity to expand energy production in our country, and it’s the path that would provide the most benefit to consumers today and for decades to come.”

“Under this administration, gas prices have hit historic highs and energy costs are continuing to soar as a result of their radical and deeply flawed America last policies,” said Congressman Drew Ferguson- GA. “Instead of picking winners and losers in the energy industry, Republicans stand united in supporting the “all-of-the-above” energy approach needed to ensure America is energy independent, and not subject to the uncertainty – and national security risks – of being reliant on foreign imports. I was pleased to join Rep. Jeff Duncan and my colleagues to learn about the work, research, and partnerships in the energy space taking place at Clemson University, along with touring a local hydro facility, the Oconee Nuclear Station, and the Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative. These energy programs and facilities are a prime example of how communities across America can utilize innovative solutions and natural resources to safeguard our energy sector.”

“Energy independence is crucial to our National Security, which is why we must utilize every resource we have at our disposal,” said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger- TN. “Nuclear, hydropower, and natural gas are all available to us on American soil! If the progressive climate warriors want clean energy, then here you go! These forms of energy are clean and efficient and can be acquired right here at home. This administration isn’t anti-energy, they are anti-American energy. We cannot afford to turn to our adversaries to supply our energy needs when we can provide clean energy, create jobs, and protect our national security with “all of the above” solutions here at home.”

“American families are suffering under misguided energy policies that have driven costs to record levels,” said Congressman Richard Hudson- NC. “Instead, we must pursue an all-of-the-above strategy and unleash American energy to bring down costs and defend our national security. I thank Congressman Duncan for leading a delegation to learn more about the domestic energy potential that exists throughout our nation. President Biden and Washington Democrats should prioritize these resources over dealing with our adversaries.”


Bad Creek Hydro StationBad Creek Hydro station is a facility in Oconee County, South Carolina that generates electricity by pumping water from Lake Jocassee to Bad Creek Reservoir and then from Bad Creek Reservoir back to Lake Jocassee. Bad Creek reservoir is a 367-acre body of water which is essentially a massive battery used to store energy from Lake Jocassee. Bad Creek Reservoir is 1200 feet higher than Lake Jocassee and during times of low energy usage the water is pumped up to the reservoir and then by releasing water in times of high energy usage the reservoir generates electricity.

Oconee Nuclear StationThe Oconee Nuclear Station is located on Lake Keowee in South Carolina. The station produces enough electricity to power 1.9 million homes. It was the first nuclear station to produce 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity.  The Oconee Nuclear Station utilizes nuclear fission in Uranium to convert water from Lake Keowee into steam which then power turbines to produce electricity.

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