Rep. Stefanik on Faulkner Focus: Education Secretary Cardona Should Resign

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik joined Faulkner Focus to slam Democrats’ January 6 Committee, the Biden Administration’s coordinated attack against concerned parents with the National School Board Association, and Biden’s worsening Economic Crisis.

Highlights of the interview include: 
On Democrats’ Sham Committee:
“Number one, this is an illegitimate sham of a committee. This is about punishing Pelosi and House Democrats’ political opponents, and it is not about keeping the Capitol safer.”
“It is a sham investigation when the only office that’s off-limits is the Speaker’s office. They’re only targeting Republicans for a reason.”
“This is Nancy Pelosi covering up the communications between the Sergeant at Arms and her office, and the American people see right through this, which is why Leader McCarthy talked about issues that actually matter to people’s everyday lives.”
On the Biden Administration’s War on Parents:
“Secretary Cardona should resign. We knew there was coordination between the Biden Administration and the National School Boards Association. Now we know specifically that it was not just coordination, it was solicitation of the letter which Merrick Garland said under oath was the only justification for setting up the new office within the Department of Justice to specifically target parents under the guise of so called ‘domestic terrorists.”
“It is a war on parents. It is absolutely outrageous. It should outrage every family across this nation. I hear it from my district – they’re outraged.”
“The fix was in on this… This was the Biden Administration through the senior level cabinet official soliciting the letter they used as a justification to target parents.”
“We need to make sure that all that communication, all of that solicitation, is out there for the American public to make the assessment themselves.”
“Education is one of the key issues that is on the ballot. Republicans believe in a Parents’ Bill of Rights when it comes to education. Meanwhile, you have a Democratic President who is targeting parents, a war on parents, who want to be involved, rightfully so, in their kids’ education.”
On Biden’s Inflation Crisis:   
“Inflation is a tax on every American and devastating hardworking families in my district.”
“Inflation hasn’t been this bad since before I was born. Talk about a once in a lifetime economic crisis. What Republicans are going to do is stop the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars of spending that is ruining our economy.”