Sen. Cruz on H.R.1: ‘It’s the Single Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation Before Congress’



WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) this week appeared on ‘The Michael Berry Show,’ ‘Fox News Primetime‘ with Maria Bartiromo, and spoke with Spectrum News’s Margaret Chadbourn about the crisis on the southern border and Democrats’ radical H.R.1 bill. He also addressed The Washington Post’s correction of their fraudulent reporting on former President Trump. Highlights of his interviews are below.

WATCH: Sen. Cruz on Fox News Primetime: Democrats’ Radical H.R. 1 is the Corrupt Politicians Act

On Democrats’ radical H.R.1 bill, Sen. Cruz said:

It is the single most dangerous piece of legislation before Congress. What I call H.R.1 is the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act.’ […] It’s the number one bill. It’s not about COVID, It’s not about vaccinations, it’s not about getting people back to work, it’s not about getting kids back to school. It is about ensuring that Democrats remain in power and control for the next 100 years. It is a radical bill. What does it do? It federalizes all elections. It strikes down every election reform protection at the state level. So photo ID laws – right now in a lot of states you’ve got to use photo ID to vote. ‘The Corrupt Politician Act’ strikes that down. It sets up automatic voter registration, which would result in millions of illegal immigrants, and criminals, and felons being able to vote. The Democrats believe if illegal immigrants and felons are voting, that benefits the Democrats and keeps them in power. Not only that, it mandates universal mail-in balloting, it mandates ballot harvesting. This is all designed to facilitate fraud.” (Sen. Cruz, Fox News Primetime, 3/17/21)

[Democrats’] first priority – their driving priority – is changing elections forever so that Democrats will never lose. [….] It takes all of the state laws that have been put in place in all 50 states to protect the integrity of the elections and repeals them all. It takes them all off the books. […] This bill also subsidizes politicians. It’s welfare for politicians. It provides that if you raise a dollar and you’re running for office, that the taxpayer will match you with six dollars. So you get six bucks for every dollar you raise. It’s designed to just flood millions of dollars of taxpayer money to fund politicians. […] It is the single most dangerous bill before the Congress. Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to ram it through because they want Democratic control of Congress for the next century. (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Michael Berry Show,’ 3/18/21)

LISTEN: Cruz on the Michael Berry Show Discusses H.R. 1 & President Biden’s Radical Immigration Agenda

On the humanitarian, national security, and public health crises taking place on the southern border, Sen. Cruz said:

We need to end the political decisions being implemented by the Biden administration. This is a crisis created by Joe Biden. […] Just like Barack Obama, Joe Biden is promising amnesty, and so what’s happening is these kids are being handed over to be trafficked across the border.” (Sen. Cruz, Spectrum News, 3/17/21)

There is a crisis unfolding at the border and the short answer is no, Joe Biden does not intend to do anything to stop it. Joe Biden has caused this crisis. It has been the result of deliberate policies they put in place that have created this crisis. Number one, one of the first things he did was immediately halt construction of the border wall. Number two, they re-implemented catch and release. […] Number three, and perhaps most indefensibly, they eliminated the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. […] The Biden administration just threw that international agreement in the trash. They are now moving thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants into the U.S. The Secretary of Homeland Security said this week that we are encountering more illegal immigrants on the southwest border than any time in the last 20 years. And they’re continuing to release them. They’re moving thousands of illegal immigrants to Dallas, to the convention center downtown. They’re moving thousands of illegal immigrants to Midland, Texas – very much against the wishes of that community. This problem continues to get worse because the political decisions driving the Biden administration are producing the problem.” (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Michael Berry Show,’ 3/18/21)

WATCH: Sen. Cruz on Spectrum News: President Biden’s Political Decisions Have Worsened Border Crisis

On the Pentagon’s hyper-partisan criticism of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, and his letter requesting a meeting with the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Sen. Cruz said:

We have a long tradition in our country, going back to the very first days of the Republic, of the military being apolitical, the military staying out of politics. There are a lot of countries, a lot of third world countries, where the military dominates politics, where uniformed officers drive politics. They are dictators. Here, we don’t have this. We have a civilian controlled military, that is a great feature that protects liberty in this country. I wrote a letter to the Secretary of Defense calling out DOJ for violating their own directive, which prohibits uniform personnel from engaging in partisan or political activity. I will say, the letter produced immediate results, and in fact, the II Marine Expeditionary Force deleted those tweets and publicly apologized. Admitted that it was a mistake – that they had gotten it wrong and […] promised to do better. I have asked to meet with the Marine Commandant to discuss what’s going on, and how we make sure that the Biden administration doesn’t politicize the military and diminish its warfighting capacity. I have not yet heard a response, but I hope the commandant will come and sit down and discuss these issues. (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Michael Berry Show,’ 3/18/21)

On The Washington Post’s correction of their fraudulent reporting on former President Trump, Sen. Cruz said:

Donald Trump broke the media. The mainstream media is now – they hate Donald Trump so much that they don’t pretend to be objective. They don’t pretend to be impartial. They don’t pretend to be journalists. They are partisan propagandists. They are liars, and in this instance, the Post, what they reported, this wasn’t a small detail in the story. […] Well, your quote is a lie. It wasn’t said – it’s made up. It’s not true. But it was too good to check, it fit the narrative too much. And so The Post this week was forced to correct it and say, ‘Yeah, you know, the central point in the story we ran, that was the blockbuster accusing the president of doing something. Yeah, never mind, that wasn’t true.’ And by the way, there’s the old line that a lie can make it all the way around the world before the truth even gets it’s shoes on.[…] The Washington Post and every other outlet that echoed it bear the responsibility for reporting what was quite literally fake news. (Sen. Cruz, Fox News Primetime, 3/17/21)