Sen. Tim Scott Spoke on the Senate Floor Against Biden Administration Charter School Rule

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) spoke on the Senate floor about his fight against the Biden administration’s attacks on public charter schools, which provide crucial opportunity for many American students. This afternoon, the Senate will vote on his Congressional Review Act (CRA) legislation to nullify new Department of Education rules that would stifle education options for parents and students.

On the charter school resolution vote… “…tomorrow, we will have an opportunity to vote for students. Tomorrow, we will have an opportunity to vote for parents. Tomorrow, Mr. President, we will have the opportunity to vote for common sense in the United States Senate. Tomorrow, we will have an opportunity to vote for my resolution to stop the Biden Department of Education from destroying educational opportunities for millions of students and their parents during the pandemic.”

On giving parents educational options for their children… “Parents, are the ones who know what’s best for their kids. They need flexibility. They deserve choice. One of those options should always be high quality public charter schools. These charter schools continue to outkick their coverage. Charter schools only represent 12%, 12% of all public high schools, but they make up 22% of the top 100 public high schools.”

On the Biden administrations attack on charter schools… “Despite their proven track record of success for students, for parents, and, of course, for common sense, the Biden administration continues to attack charter schools. He campaigned against them. And then as soon as he got in office, he directed the bureaucrats at the DOE, the Department of Education, to put new restrictions on charter schools, [that are] desperately looking for funding. These restrictions are a slap in the face to parents who are turning to charter schools as a better alternative for their children.”

On the need for bipartisan support… “I can’t imagine a world where my friends across the aisle, who stood with me to protect DC Opportunity Scholarships, would not stand with us today to protect more education options for kids. All across America, by voting for the administration’s restrictions, my friends across the aisle are telling these hardworking parents that labor union bosses and bureaucrats know what’s best for their kids better than the parents themselves. That’s plain wrong.”

On education leading to opportunity… “These are kids growing up in some of America’s most devastated communities, some of America’s poorest communities, some of America’s most disadvantaged communities. And this is a game changer, not just for the students while they’re in roles in these schools, but this is a game changer for the rest of their lives. This is a game changer for them economically. This is the fastest path to the American dream we all hope to achieve one day.”


Senator Scott has led the fight for Congress to nullify the Biden administration’s new rules adding burdensome requirements to charter schools seeking funding. The rule, announced by the Department of Education earlier this year, would upend the 28-year-old, bipartisan Charter School Program (CSP). The changes would place federal, one-size-fits-all requirements on charter schools, making it difficult — if not impossible — for many of these high-quality public schools to receive funding.

The Senate is slated to vote on Senator Scott’s CRA this afternoon.

CLICK HERE to read more about the CRA and Senator Scott’s fight for school choice.

CLICK HERE to read more about the CRA in Fox News.

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