Speaker McCarthy on the Introduction of the Lower Energy Costs Act

Today, H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, was unveiled to the American people. It’s a signature piece of the House Republican Commitment to America and its proposed reforms would speed up construction and energy production throughout the United States.

Introduced by Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), H.R. 1 builds off the work of the Energy, Climate, and Conservation Task Force, Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (R-WA) House Energy and Commerce Committee, Chairman Bruce Westerman’s (R-AR) House Natural Resources Committee, and Chairman Sam Graves’ (R-MO) House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, along with text of bills from 23 additional Members of Congress:

As Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says, this bill is House Republicans’ top legislative priority, and will restore America’s energy dominance.

To learn more, check out the video below.

“Every piece of legislation is assigned a number when it’s first introduced.

“Most of these numbers are chronological.

“But as Speaker, I get to pick which bills are assigned the numbers 1 through 10 as a way to signal how important that legislation is.

“I just announced H.R. 1 – our top legislative priority that has a real shot at becoming law.

“It’s called the Lower Energy Costs Act, and it’s going to do two big things:

“One – Restore American energy leadership.

“How? By repealing onerous taxes and overregulation on American energy producers so we can lead the world in providing clean, affordable energy.

“Two – Make it easier to build stuff in America.

“Every time we need a pipeline, road, or dam, an average of almost 5 years and millions of dollars in costs get added to the project to comply with Washington’s permitting process.

“That’s too long.

“We can streamline permitting and still protect the environment.

“That’s a goal worthy of the number 1.”

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