STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) joined colleagues in introducing a resolution to condemn the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas against Israel.

“Joe Biden’s decision to restore aid to Palestine and his dangerous appeasement strategy with Iran have emboldened and even supported the Hamas terrorists attacking Israel,” Steube said. “Congress must demand an end to U.S. Palestinian aid and a return to Trump’s maximum pressure strategy so that we can stand firm with our Israeli allies as they defend themselves and their sovereignty.”

Hamas continues to launch thousands of rockets into the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and surrounding areas. These acts of terrorism are responsible for killing and injuring dozens of civilians. In response, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has struck strategic military targets in the Gaza Strip.

These attacks come only one month after the Biden Administration restored $325 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority, which supports groups like Hamas. As part of his diplomatic and security efforts in the Middle East, former President Trump had previously cut these funds for the Palestinian Authority.

The leader of Hamas has explicitly said that Iran has been funding and supporting their efforts to attack Israel. The IDF has also raised questions over Iran’s role in providing Hamas with drone and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies.

Iran’s support comes after the Biden Administration moves to negotiate with Iran through ongoing talks in Vienna, creating a pathway for sanctions relief to the number one state sponsor of terrorism.

Steube previously expressed support for our allies in Israel as they encounter deadly attacks from Hamas. He has also joined Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.) in introducing the toughest Iran sanctions package ever proposed by Congress.

In addition to condemning the actions of Hamas, this resolution also expresses support of Israel’s efforts and collective security against external forces and reaffirms support for policies and initiatives combatting anti-Semitic behavior.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.